Optimize Usage - Rightsizing


The Right Sizing feature allows users to evaluate selections of cloud instances against actual requirements based on their usage and get recommendations for the right selection of instances that could help to reduce the overall costs incurred.

To access this section of the Optimize Usage page, navigate to Cost > Cost Optimizer > Optimize Usage and then click on the Right Sizing tab (this is also the default view when navigating to this page).

Right Sizing

With a massive combination of instances offered by cloud platforms like Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform (GCP), and Microsoft Azure, it can be overwhelming sometimes when choosing which platform to use. Right sizing in this case helps to not only deflate cost, but also leads to optimization which yields better operational results.

Using right sizing tools is recommended as they are customized in such a way to analyze your cloud system and enable recommendations in applicable areas. They analyze patterns, instance performances, and switch off idle instances that are not a perfect match to their specific workload overheads.

Right Sizing has policies designed to find underutilized issues in customer infrastructure called violations.

The platform supports the following resources for rightsizing:

  • AWS Route 53
  • AWS NAT Gateway
  • AWS Dedicated Host
  • Azure Cache for Redis
  • Azure SQL Database
  • Azure SQL Managed Instance
  • Azure Synapse Analytics
  • Azure Logic Apps
  • Azure SQL

Viewing Rightsizing

Perform the following steps to view rightsizing:

  1. Click Cost > Cost Optimizer > Optimize Usage > Right Sizing. Users can see the Potential Savings (Monthly) and Impacted Resource Count.
    In the example provided below, the customer's CPU utilization is shown by analyzing the last 30 days of cloud account data.
    The feature will recommend moving to lower configuration machine, which will save on costs. Here, the Azure cloud account has three Impacted Resources -- which is underutilized for this cloud account -- and one Recommendation.
    Once our recommendation is applied, $112.97 is saved.

  2. In the Cloud Provider list, click to select the required cloud providers and then click Apply, and in the Currency list, click to select a currency.
    The Optimize Usage screen shows the cloud account type, account name, impacted resource count, potential savings, tenant name, and the action icon.

  3. Under the Actions column, click the eye icon corresponding to a cloud account to view all associated resources.



  • You can use the Cloud Accounts and Cloud Account Type drop-down lists to view specific details as per the selected options.
  • You can click the Download Cost Recommendation data as CSV to download the rightsizing details.
  • You can click the Filter icon and then enter maximum and minimum Potential Savings and Forecasted Savings, and then click Apply Filter. You will be able to view resources and potential savings as per the applied filter.
  • You can click Edit Column icon that will open a pop-up window where you can check/uncheck the column names. Details will be displayed on the Right Sizing screen as per the selected columns. You can also drag and drop the column names to re-arrange it as per the desired order.

For the selected cloud account, all the available resource details such as Resource ID, Resource Name, Resource Type, Potential Savings (Monthly), and Action are displayed.

  1. To view recommendation details for a particular resource, under the Action column, click the eye icon.



To filter and view specific details, in the Resource Type list, the user can select either All or Virtual Machines, and then click Apply.

The resource utilization, saving recommendations, and actions to be taken should appear. You can choose any of these recommendations.

Rightsizing recommendations are prioritized based on safety and potential savings. This ensures that users are presented with the most suitable options available that can lead to increased cost savings and/or better performance.

  1. Users can view the following details on the Top Recommendations page.
Resource IDThe identifier number that Project assigns to each resource.
Resource NameThis is the name of the resource.
Resource TypeVirtual machines (VM).
Potential Savings (Monthly)Measure monthly cloud savings.
RegionThe data center's geographic location.
Current Resource SKUThe current cloud instance's unique code.
Recommended Resource SKUThe recommended cloud instance's unique code.
Impact LevelThe sensitivity of the information to be stored.
Optimization TypeThe optimal configuration action.
Optimization StatusThe optimal configuration status.
Recommendation Created OnDate when the recommendation was created.



The column fields and its data will change based on the resource type. The above column fields are applicable for VMs across all cloud providers.

  1. Users can navigate to any of the following tabs to get detailed information and can take the relevant action on the selected resource:
    • Overview
    • Utilization Metrics
    • Saving Details
    • Resource Details
    • Actions


The Overview tab shows details about the selected resource, including:

  • Potential Savings (Monthly)
  • Optimization Type
  • Recommended Resource SKU
  • Impact Level
  • Recommendation Created On
  • Current Resource SKU
  • Cloud Account Name
  • Resource Type
  • Recommendation Source
  • Average CPU (%)
  • Maximum CPU (%)
  • Average Network In (bytes)
  • Maximum Network In (bytes)
  • Average Network Out (bytes)
  • Maximum Network Out (bytes)

Utilization Metrics

The Utilization Metrics tab shows the CPU utilization. In the Statistic list, you can select an option and in the Time Period list, select the period for which you would like to view the utilization details. You can view the utilization details in a chart.

The Green line represents the Recommended Utilization, and the Blue line represents the current CPU Utilization. Utilization will typically go up after applying any recommendations and any costs are officially saved.

Savings Details

This tab shows the saving details. As we can see, the Recommended Resource SKU Cost is lower than the Current Resource SKU Cost.

Resource Details

This tab shows the Current Resource SKU and Recommended Resource SKU.


In the Actions tab, you can take relevant action on the selected resource. The actions that users can take are:

  • Remediate Now
  • Schedule
  • Submit for Approval
  • Reject

Detailed steps about each action are explained below.

Comparing Recommendations

To compare recommendations, click Compare. The recommendations comparison will appear.

You can compare the recommendations and make decisions accordingly, based on your needs.

Taking Actions

Perform the following steps to take an action:

  1. Click the Actions tab.

  2. To apply a recommendation, click Remediate Now.

  3. Fill the following details in the Remediate now pop-up window:

    • In the Email Address box, type the email address of the recipient.

    • In the Message text box, type the message to be included in the notification.

    • Click Apply.
      You will get a confirmation message once this recommendation is successfully executed.

Once the action is implemented, it moves the current resources to the recommended resources.

  1. To schedule a recommendation, click Schedule.

  2. In the Schedule pop—up window, fill the following:

    • In the Select Date & Time field, select the date and time as per which the recommendation will be scheduled.

    • In the Email Address box, type the email address of the recipient.

    • In the Message text box, type the message to be included in the notification.

    • Click Apply.
      The notification is then sent to the recipient.

  3. To submit a recommendation for approval, click Submit for Approval.

  4. In the Submit for Approval pop-up window, fill the following fields:

    • In the Approval Type field, select either Email or ITSM.

    • In the Approver’s Email Address box, type the email address of the approver.

    • In the Message text box, type the message to be included in the notification.

    • Click Apply.
      This will then send the notification email to move the virtual machine(s).

  5. To reject the recommendation, click Reject.
    You can exclude a resource from future recommendations by rejecting the recommendation. This rejected recommendation can be tracked under the Optimization Actions screen. You can also re-activate a rejected recommendation.

  6. In the Reject It pop-up window, fill the following fields:

    • Select an option in the field Reject Recommendation for this resource originating from:

      • Cloud native: This option allows you to ignore any future recommendations for this resource originating only from cloud-native sources.
      • System: This option allows you to ignore any future recommendation for this resource origination only from cloud-native sources or CoreStack.
    • You can provide a reason for rejecting the recommendation by selecting from a list of options or you can provide reason in the other reason section.

    • Click Apply to reject a recommendation. Once a recommendation is rejected, a pop-up message appears -- Recommendation rejected.

You can find the rejected recommendations in the Optimization Actions screen.