
Release Notes 4.0 (2302)

Released May 13, 2023

CoreStack FinOps

Cost Reports

  • Added Tag Key and Tag Value filters for better understanding of tag values mapped to a particular tag key.
  • The newly added filters are much organized.
  • The Tag Key and Tag Value filters are added for the following cost reports:
    • Azure > Cost Analytics > Azure Cost Monthly
    • Azure > Cost Analytics > Azure Cost Daily
    • AWS > Cost Analytics > AWS Cost Monthly
    • AWS > Cost Analytics > AWS Cost Daily
    • Azure > Partner Cost Report > Azure CSP Cost Monthly
    • Azure > Partner Cost Report > Azure EA Cost Monthly
    • GCP > Cost Analytics > GCP Cost Monthly
    • GCP > Cost Analytics > GCP Cost Daily
    • GCP > Cost Analytics > GCP Parent Billing Account
    • OCI > Cost Analytics > OCI Cost Monthly
    • OCI > Cost Analytics > OCI Cost Daily

CoreStack SecOps


  • Added the following threat widgets in the Security Executive Dashboard. These provide an executive view to users so they can take appropriate actions accordingly.
    • Config Violations
      • Config Violations Trend
      • Config Violations Severity Summary By Account
      • Config Violation By Region
      • Config Concentration by Cloud Provider
    • Access Violations
      • Access Violations Trend
      • Access Violations Severity Summary By Account
    • Control Health widget

CoreStack CloudOps

Zoho Integration

  • Added the OAuth integration steps to onboard cloud accounts.
  • Client ID, Secret Code, and Authentication Code to be generated through the OAuth integration steps and would be used for onboarding accounts.


Following CloudOps reports are added:

  • CloudOps Report: This report provides customers with insight into their cloud infrastructure's performance. This report helps in optimizing cloud operations, reducing costs, and identifying potential risks and vulnerabilities.
  • Cloud Operations Assessment Report: This report is a comprehensive review of a customer's cloud infrastructure and operations. This assessment report provides customers with actionable recommendations to improve their cloud operations, increase efficiency, and reduce costs while ensuring security and compliance.
  • OCI Health Report: Provides assessment details for resources related to OCI accounts.
  • Azure Patch Report: This report provides detailed patch information about various resources for the selected time period.

Execute Terraform code from GitHub

  • Added the ability to execute Terraform code from a GitHub Enterprise repository using personal access token. Previously, Terraform code could be executed only through the CoreStack UI.

    Users can store their Terraform code in a Github Enterprise repository and then configure a pipeline that automatically pulls the code and executes it. This feature allows users to automate the process of creating, updating, and deleting infrastructure resources by pulling code from a central repository and executing it with Terraform.

    • Users can view new templates in the Marketplace (~30) added across each cloud provider.
    • Users can clone the content under templates and avoid runtime errors.
    • Users can enter more than 100 characters (approximately 200) to support Terraform dynamic values, which enables them to run their templates with longer customized names.

CoreStack Core

Tagging Governance

Added tag remediation support for additional resources on Tag Governance 2.0:

  • GCP: 12 additional resources
  • OCI: 32 additional resources
  • Azure: 23 additional resources

External APIs

Known Issues

Below APIs are not working as expected. We will try to fix it before the next release.

  • Update environment in business application
  • View Tag keys
  • Update application group in business application
  • Update cost center in business application