Compliance Reports


Compliance reports are generated based on industry-specific regulatory compliance standards and industry benchmark standards. Compliance reports provides information about various aspects like - compliance standard violations, policy violations, controls, etc. The following table lists the compliance reports available in CoreStack as per report category:

Compliance Analytics

Report CategoryReport NameReport Description
Compliance AnalyticsCompliance ControlThis report provides details about various compliance controls like - controls mapped/unmapped to compliance standards and tenant, automated/manual controls, nature of controls, etc.
Compliance AnalyticsCompliance ViolationsThis report provides details about compliance violations as per severity (high/medium/low), top violations by resource type, resource violations as per severity, policy violations, etc.

Compliance Reports

Report CategoryReport NameReport Description
Compliance ReportsCompliance AssessmentThis report summarizes compliance status of technical controls as per policy execution and manual control as per status update provided by the user.



You can access in-depth summaries and instructions for each report in the CoreStack interface by clicking the hyperlinks provided in above tables.