
Release Notes 3.7

This release includes new features, enhancements and fixes as part of 3.7.


FinOps Bundle

  • FinOps product bundle includes following in-built roles and permissions. These can be customized as per organization needs.
    a) FinOps Practitioner
    b) FinOps Executive
    c) FinOps IT Finance Manager
    d) FinOps Product Owner
    e) FinOps Engineering Lead
    f) FinOps Procurement

Cost Posture and Visibility

  • Overall, Cost visibility page is visually improved and also new functionalities are added.

  • Cost visibility week-wise chart is replaced by monthly cost trend. This monthly visualization of data helps us to quickly understand the monthly trend and saves several user clicks from switching between week-wise cost data trend

  • Legends in charts are made clickable, to quickly filter and focus on a specific value

  • Cost spend data table in Cost Visibility page calculates month-on-month variance and displays a small indicator and tooltip to understand the variance percentage and cost difference.

  • Cost visibility filters are visually enhanced by grouping them under a single filter panel. Filter panel opens up a modal window on clicking the filter icon

GCP Parent Billing

  • You can now onboard a GCP Parent billing account.

  • You can automatically discover the GCP Billing sub accounts, GCP Organizations and projects under Cost Posture page.

  • Account information is shown in visibility when changing the period instead of customer name in the GCP parent billing account view.

Cost Optimization

  • Schedule recommendations are now available for AWS EC2, Azure Virtual machines and GCP Virtual machine instances.

  • RI utilization data is now listed under Optimize Rate > Current Reservations tab


  • In Compliance > Standards , added My Standards. You can create your own custom compliance standards that are tailored to your business needs, standards and organizational policies.

  • In Compliance > Standards (Marketplace), added the CoreStack Multi Cloud Well-Architected Framework (CSMC) control.

  • Azure advisor recommendations are now mapped to Azure Well Architected best practices.


  • Added Qualys monitoring tool to detect vulnerabilities on all networked assets.

  • Added Nessus Scanner to view the vulnerability data from external tool. 

  • Added Nirmata to discover the Kubernetes clusters and register with Nirmata.


  • CoreStack Tenants can be created from GCP organisations, this feature primarily helps MSP logins to organise and manage their GCP customers effectively.

  • User Groups - Multi Tenant Selection - While creating or editing a user group, you can add multiple tenants.

  • Added OCI user account information and access posture violation on dashboard.

  • Added OCI native recommendations provided by the cloud service providers.

  • Added OCI activity support for:
    a) Compute category resources
    b) Database category resources
    c) Networking category resources
    d) Storage category resources

  • Added Brazilian currency support.

  • Added Audit Log to track all the actions performed by the user.

  • Upgraded to Python 3.9 from Python 3.6

  • Enabled multiple markup configurations for a resource (either project or cloud account).


  • Search Tenant - In cost reports, added search option based on tenant. For example: If you type dashboard in Search Tenant, the Tenant field will show dashboard.

  • OCI Operations - Added OCI activity report. The report includes: total activities, succeeded activities, failed activities, provisioning activities and deleted activities.

  • AWS Cost Monthly - In cost analytics, added Product family. The data tracking happens at product family level.

  • AWS Cost Daily - In cost analytics, added Product family. The data tracking happens at product family level.

  • AWS Consolidated Charges - In cost analytics, added Product family. The data tracking happens at product family level.

  • Tenant based report sharing along with OTP - Added Share Report. You can share report with limited tenants outside an organization. An OTP is sent to registered email. Use the OTP link to view the report.

  • Enhanced Azure cost monthly and daily report UI/UX.

  • In Monitoring Analytics, added Azure Utilization Based on Metrics. The data is fetched from a combination of metrics. For example: Memory utilization percentage, etc.

  • In Partner Cost Reports > Azure CSP Consolidated Charges, for a CSP account, added Customer field to see revenue generated based on an individual customer.

Bug Fixes

  • Incorrect cost recommendations generated for Azure Hybrid Benefits.
  • Utilization metrics not being updated with latest data is addressed.
  • AWS – SecOps threats detailed view is not displaying complete details.
  • AWS - RI Utilization graph data not available for the reserved instance.
  • FinOps assessment – Assessed resources are less than the total resources in the inventory.
  • Resource name field available in all the reports.
  • Share report functionality – Allow specific tenants to be chosen and email OTP feature enabled when the reports are shared with external parties.
  • Frequent session timeout of CoreStack portal is addressed.
  • Control Name is duplicating on advance filter view in Compliance posture.