External APIs 4.5 (2404)
Released February 2025
What's New
- POST/governance/guardrails/{tenant_id}/policies/list List Policies
- GET/v1/support/freshservice/departments/list List Departments accessible by the user
- POST/v1/support/freshservice/tickets/create Creates a new FreshService Ticket
- GET/v1/support/freshservice/tickets/filters Freshservice Ticket Filters
- GET/v1/support/freshservice/tickets/item/{ticket_id} Get FreshService Ticket details
- POST/v1/support/freshservice/tickets/list List FreshService Tickets
- GET/v1/waf-frameworks/{tenant_id}/framework/{framework_id}/sync Sync Framework from AWS or To AWS
What's Decommissioned
/governance/guardrails/{tenant_id}/policiesList Policies
What's Changed
- GET/compliance/{tenant_id}/visibility List Compliance Visibility
- Parameter
- Add service_account_id//ID of the cloud account. This can be fetched from ListCloudAccounts API
- Delete
cloud_account_id// ID of the cloud account. This can be fetched from ListCloudAccounts API
- POST/governance/guardrails/{tenant_id}/policies Create Policy
- Parameter
- Change CreatePolicyRequest.severity
- POST/governance/guardrails/{tenant_id}/policies/batch Batch Policies
- Return Type
- Change severity (Added Enum)
- GET/governance/guardrails/{tenant_id}/policies/{policy_id} Describe Policy
- Return Type
- Change severity
- PUT/governance/guardrails/{tenant_id}/policies/{policy_id} Update Policy
- Parameter
- Change UpdatePolicyRequest.severity
- GET/governance/guardrails/{tenant_id}/policy_jobs/{job_id} Describe Policy Job Details
- Return Type
- Add output // Job output details
- GET/operation/automation/template/{tenant_id}/jobs/list List Templates Job
- Return Type
- Add jobs.incident_reference // Incident reference details
- POST/operation/automation/templates/{tenant_id} Create Template
- Parameter
- Change CreateTemplateRequest.description
- Change CreateTemplateRequest.type
- PUT/operation/automation/{tenant_id}/templates/{template_id} Update Template
- Parameter
- Change CreateTemplateRequest.description
- Change CreateTemplateRequest.type
- POST/operation/automation/{tenant_id}/templates/{template_id}/execute Execute Template
- Parameter
- Add TemplateExecuteRequest.incident_reference // Incident reference
- GET/users/profile/{user_id} View User Profile
- Return Type
- Add source_user_id // source user id
- Change preferred_language
- PUT/users/update/{user_id} Update User
- Parameter
- Add UserUpdateRequest.mobile // Mobile number of the user
- Add UserUpdateRequest.preferred_language // Preferred language of the user
- POST/v1/admin/request_audit/list Returns a list of BackgroundJobs ids
- Parameter
- Change RequestAuditListRequest.sort.column (Added Enum)
- GET/v1/feature_requirements/list List Feature requirements
- Return Type
- Change feature (Added Enum)
- Change providers.mandatory_dependent_features
- Change providers.optional_dependent_features
- Change providers.ondemand_dependent_features
- POST/v1/master_accounts
- Parameter
- Add CreateMasterAccountRequest.notification_settings.support_tool_account_id//Integrated Tool for support system
- GET/v1/master_accounts/item/{master_account_id} Master Account View
- Return Type
- Add notification_settings.support_tool_account_id // Integrated Tool for support system
- PUT/v1/master_accounts/item/{master_account_id} Master Account Update
- Parameter
- Add MasterAccountDetails.notification_settings.support_tool_account_id//Integrated Tool for support system
- Return Type
- Add notification_settings.support_tool_account_id // Integrated Tool for support system
- GET/v1/products/list List Products
- Return Type
- Change features
- POST/v1/tag_posture/snapshot/item/{snapshot_id}/resource_summary Summarize the tag posture matching the filtering criteria returning resource coverage counts
- Parameter
- Add TagPostureSummaryListRequest.filters.is_billable // Whether to only return billable/non billable resources)
- POST/v1/tag_posture/snapshot/item/{snapshot_id}/summary/cloud_account/list Returns a list of TagPostureCloudAccountSummary identifiers based on input filters
- Parameter
- Add TagPostureSummaryListRequest.filters.is_billable // Whether to only return billable/non billable resources)
- POST/v1/tag_posture/snapshot/item/{snapshot_id}/summary/resource/list Returns a list of TagPostureResourceSummary identifiers based on input filters
- Parameter
- Add TagPostureSummaryListRequest.filters.is_billable // Whether to only return billable/non billable resources)
- POST/v1/tag_posture/snapshot/item/{snapshot_id}/workload_summary/{workload_id}/resource/list Returns a batch of TagPostureWorkloadResourceSummary
- Parameter
- Add TagPostureSummaryListRequest.filters.is_billable // Whether to only return billable/non billable resources)
- GET/v1/user/switch_account/{master_account_id} Switch Master Account
- Return Type
- Change user.preferred_language
- GET/v1/user_details Get User session and roles details
- Return Type
- Change user.preferred_language
- DELETE/v1/waf-frameworks/{tenant_id}/pillar/delete Framework Pillar Delete
- Parameter
- Add WellArchitectedFrameworkPillarRequest
- DeleteWellArchitectedFrameworkPillar
- POST/v1/well-architected-framework/{tenant_id}/framework/batch Batch Frameworks
- Return Type
- Add sync_with_hyperscaler
- POST/v1/well-architected-framework/{tenant_id}/framework/create Framework Create
- Parameter
- Add WellArchitectedFramework.sync_with_hyperscaler
- POST/v1/well-architected-framework/{tenant_id}/framework/update Framework Update
- Parameter
- Add WellArchitectedFramework.sync_with_hyperscaler
- Return Type
- Add sync_with_hyperscaler
- POST/v2/audit/auditlog/list Audit List
- Parameter
- Add AuditLogListRequest.filters.master_account_id // Filter by master account ids
- Change AuditLogListRequest.filters.event_types
- POST/v2/schedule_recommendations/list_resource_schedule Schedule Recommendations Resource Schedule List
- Return Type
- Delete
schedule_recommendation_id// Schedule Recommendation ID
- Delete
- POST/v2/service_account/create Create a new Service Account
- Parameter
- Change ServiceAccountDetails.onboarded_features.feature (Added Enum)
- GET/v2/service_account/item/{service_account_id} Get Service Account details
- Return Type
- Change onboarded_features.feature (Added Enum)
- POST/v2/service_account/item/{service_account_id} Update Service Account details
- Parameter
- Change ServiceAccountDetails.onboarded_features.feature (Added Enum)
- Return Type
- Change onboarded_features.feature (Added Enum)
- GET/v2/service_account/item/{service_account_id}/credentials_validation Validate Service Account Credentials
- Return Type
- Change onboarded_features.feature (Added Enum)
- POST/v2/service_account/item/{service_account_id}/dry_run Validate update of Service Account details
- Parameter
- Change ServiceAccountDetails.onboarded_features.feature (Added Enum)
- POST/v2/service_account/item/{service_account_id}/extended_dry_run Validate update of Service Account details and check if the Governance Configuration can be accepted by the Cloud/Tool provider
- Parameter
- Change ServiceAccountDetails.onboarded_features.feature (Added Enum)
- Return Type
- Change onboarded_features.feature (Added Enum)
- POST/v2/service_account/list List Service Accounts
- Parameter
- Change ServiceAccountListRequest.filters.onboarded_any
- Change ServiceAccountListRequest.filters.onboarded_all
- POST/v2/service_account/summary Summarize Service Accounts
- Parameter
- Change ServiceAccountSummaryRequest.filters.onboarded_any
- Change ServiceAccountSummaryRequest.filters.onboarded_all
Updated about 20 hours ago