Self Service Dashboard
Self Service Dashboard provides the numbers and cost for the self-service orders placed within a specific Tenant. This dashboard can be viewed by logging in as an Ops admin or Approver or Consumer. The view will be different based on the user's role.
While viewing the self-service dashboard:
- As an " Ops Admin", you can see the orders placed by any user within the Tenant.
- As an " Approver", you can see the orders approved or placed by yourself.
- As a " Consumer", you can see the orders placed by yourself.
Self-Service orders can be in different statuses as listed below:
- Pending – Orders that are placed and pending approval.
- Provisioned – Orders that are approved, successfully provisioned and available for consumption.
- Failed – Orders that are approved and failed while provisioning the resources.
- Expired – Orders that are approved, successfully provisioned, and finally terminated either manually or automatically.
Self Service Summary
At the top of the Self Service Dashboard, you can see 5 different metrics associated with the orders.
- Active Resources – Number of resources actively running as part of the orders.
- Pending Orders – Number of orders that are placed, but the provisioning of resources are pending.
- Pending Approval – Number of orders that are placed and pending approval.
- Failed Orders – Number of orders in failed status.
- Expiring Today – Number of orders expiring and to be terminated on the current day.
While placing an order, termination date & time is also captured. When the termination date & time reaches, order and all the resources within that order will be terminated automatically.
- Expiring This Week – Number of orders expiring and to be terminated within the next 7 days.
These metrics are clickable. Clicking on a metric will display the list of the orders constituting the specific metric. For example, clicking on the Pending Orders metric will redirect to "Order History" page displaying the list of the orders in _Pending _status.
Below the summary of Self Service metrics, 3 charts will be displayed providing insights about the self-service usage in the Tenant.
- Top Apps – Top 5 apps that are provisioned and are most utilized will be shown in this chart.
- Usage Cost – Total usage cost for the last 3 months including the current month will be shown in this chart. This gives the trend of the usage cost month-on-month associated with the self-service orders.
- Total Orders – Total orders created and provisioned for the last 3 months including the current month will be shown in this chart. This gives the trend of increase or decrease in the usage of self-service.
- Order Status Distribution – Count of orders distributed by status till date will be shown in this chart.
No interactions are available with the above charts and are available in view-only format.
Updated over 1 year ago