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My Profile


My Profile allows you to view and edit the personal account information.


Click on the account icon on the top left of CoreStack and select My Profile from the menu. My Profile screen will be displayed. You can view the following account information in the My Profile screen.

UsernameUsername that was set up during account creation for login purpose
EmailEmail address that was set up during account creation for notifications
Last LoginThis field specifies when did the user last logged into CoreStack
StatusThis field indicates if the account is Active (or Inactive)
API KeysThis field lists the API access keys associated with the account(s) onboarded
Valid TillThis field indicates the period for which the API access keys would be valid

Editing the Account Information

The following steps need to be performed in CoreStack to modify the account information.

  1. Click on "Edit" link in the My Profile screen.
  2. The below listed information can be edited in the following screen.
    1. First Name
    2. Last Name
    3. Phone Number
    4. Time Zone
  3. Click on Save button to save the changes.

Changing the Password

The following steps need to be performed to modify the profile password used for logging into the account.

  1. Click on "Change Password" link in the My Profile screen.
  2. Specify your current password in the Old Password field.
  3. Specify the new password in the New Password and Confirm Password fields.
  4. Click on Save button to save the new password.

Changing the Time Zone

The following steps need to be performed to modify the time zone to be used in your account.

  1. Click on "Change Timezone" link in the My Profile screen.
  2. Select required time zone from the New Timezone dropdown list.
  3. Click on Save button to save the new time zone.