Release Notes 3.6
Release Date: 9 April, 2022
Cost Posture
In Cost > Posture:
-- Only onboarded cloud providers appear in the summary widget.
-- Total cost shows cost data for each cloud account.
-- You can save custom page level view and set as a default view.
-- The cloud account cost data includes month wise filter, instead of relative text like previous month, last 3 months, etc. -
In Cost > Posture> Visibility:
-- For multiple month selections, individual month-level cost along with total cost appears.
-- In line charts, data points will not be marked for data not available for a specific day or month.
-- Legends appear for line charts.
Cost Recommendations
- In Recommendation > Category > Cost:
-- Added recommendations with respect to cost governance policies.
Cost Optimizer
- In Cost > Cost Optimizer:
-- Consolidated CoreStack recommender and cloud native recommendations.
Cost Optimization
For Azure account, added CoreStack rule based cost saving policies.
-- Azure_PGSQL_Database_Servers_Idle
-- Azure_MySQL_Database_Servers_Idle -
For GCP account, added CoreStack rule based cost saving policies.
Compliance Posture
- In Compliance > Posture:
-- Grouped standards view against cloud accounts with respect to cloud providers. Resource view grouped under policies for quick remediation. - In Compliance > Posture > Visibility:
-- Added insights into control and resource success and violation. - In Compliance > Posture > Visibility > {Policy Name}:
-- Quick remediation to improve compliance posture.
OneLogin SSO Integration
- Account administrator can enable/disable OneLogin Single Sign-On (SSO) multi factor authentication (MFA) at account level.
Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)
- New role as Tenant_admin to create and inherit permissions from Account_admin.
- As an Account/Tenant admin you have an option to create a user group and assign relevant role to the group. Admin can add/remove users from the group.
Compliance Assessment
- Added OCI standard to compliance assessment report.
Enterprise Cloud Compliance (ECC)
- Upgraded AC3 controls to NIST v5
VMware Onboarding
CoreStack allows you to onboard a VMware account. It supports below resources.
- Network Network Networks
- Network Network IP-Ranges
- Network Network Load-Balancer
- Network Network Domains
- Network Network Network-Profiles
- Network Network Security-Groups
- Storage Storage Storages
- Compute Compute Virtual Machine
OCI Onboarding
Added OCI Activity Post Onboarding configuration. The resource activities are stored and show in operations posture.
Added OCI Alerts and Activity Post Onboarding configuration. The resource activities are stored and shown in operations posture.
GCP Metrics
Added GCP Metrics
- clients/blocked
- clients/connected
- commands/calls
- commands/total_time
- commands/usec_per_call
- keyspace/avg_ttl
- keyspace/keys
- keyspace/keys_with_expiration
- persistence/rdb/bgsave_in_progress
- replication/master/slaves/lag
- stats/memory/maxmemory
- stats/memory/system_memory_usage_ratio
- stats/memory/usage
- stats/memory/usage_ratio
- https/backend_latencies
- https/backend_request_bytes_count
- https/backend_request_count
- https/backend_response_bytes_count
- https/frontend_tcp_rtt
- https/internal/backend_latencies
- https/internal/request_bytes_count
- https/internal/request_count
- https/internal/response_bytes_count
- https/internal/total_latencies
- https/request_bytes_count
- nfs/server/average_read_latency
- nfs/server/average_write_latency
- nfs/server/free_bytes
OCI Cost Daily - This report tracks the oracle cloud account daily cost for current month and last month. The dimensions include: cloud account, product category and region.
OCI Cost Monthly - This report tracks the oracle cloud account monthly cost for last 12 months. The dimensions include: cloud account, product category, region and tags.
OCI Consolidated Charge Report - A paginated report which provides the consolidated cost for last 3 months at resource level.
AWS Linked Account Cost Report - The executive level can view this report for the spent pattern over quarters, months and so on. It is consolidated view of all cloud services for AWS linked accounts.
Workspace Analytics - This report tracks the workspace resources related activities, such as cost growth and usage growth. It also provides a view around workspace mode.
All the reports now includes white labelled logo.
Added below fields to EC2 instance page.
-- Instance growth
-- Top 10 instance types
-- Server instance cost growth
-- Top 10 Instances based on CPU Consumption
-- Tag & Resource name -
In GCP monthly report, the folder id is stored in the resource wise billing daily and monthly collections and is displayed in the GCP monthly cost reports.
White Labeling
- White-labeled notification emails. Organization name received as input is used in place of Corestack in the email content.
Bug Fixes
- User sessions log out frequently for the Mac users using the Edge browser.
- Access Token is not generated in API production Wrapper.
- Error occurs in policy execution when concurrent compliance standards are executed.
- CoreStack recommended guardrails do not execute post account onboarding.
- CoreStack portal do not load in latest Chrome browser.
- Operational alerts and activity notifications emails are delayed.
- Cost Posture AWS Organization view shows "No Records Found" instead of listing the linked accounts.
- Terraform template execution is completed but the status is not updated in CoreStack.
Updated over 1 year ago