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Operations Posture

Operations Posture

Cloud Observability is one of the critical needs for all Enterprise Cloud consumers. The Operations Posture provides visibility on the following 3 aspects across all of your cloud accounts. The summary section provides the consolidated counts across all accounts and the grid provides account wise details.

  1. Alerts: Monitoring alerts that originate from the cloud native monitoring services (AWS CloudWatch, Azure Monitor) are consolidated and displayed here. You can configure these alert thresholds and notification settings from the Operations > Monitoring & Alerts page.
  2. Activities: These are the list of cloud activities that happen in your cloud accounts and are a critical part of the observability need. Activities that are chosen to be notified are listed here. The notifications can be configured from the Operations > Activity page.


Note: You can view the complete list of activities in your cloud accounts from the Reports section.

  1. Automation Failures: These are automations executed from CoreStack either on-demand or as scheduled activities. The Cloud or IT admin must be aware of any failures that happen in such automated actions. The details of such failures can be reviewed from Templates / Scripts module.


Note: The data presented in this dashboard is only for the past 24 hours. For a complete list of any of these data, review the respective reports in the reports section.

Account Level View

You can select the View (Eye icon) option in the grid against a specific cloud account to view more details about the no. of alerts and activities. You will be redirected to another tab where you can see:

  • Toggle option between Alerts and Activities. Based on your selection you can view the details.
  • Filters for Tenant, Cloud and Cloud Account. Though you come to this view by selecting a specific account, you can just choose a different account right in this view and get the details.
  • Account wise count of the no. of alerts / activities – shown in a graphical view
  • Resource Type wise no. of alerts / activities as a widget. You can maximize it to view more details or click VIEW ALL to see the actual list of alerts / activities in a grid.
  • Region wise no. of alerts / activities as a widget. You can maximize it to view more details or click VIEW ALL to see the actual list of alerts / activities in a grid.