JUMP TOCoreStack External APIAccessGet Access Summary CountgetGet Access Summary Dashboard CountgetGet Access ViolationsgetGet Access DetailpostGet Access Visibility FiltergetAssessmentAssessment ValidationpostAssessment Compliance ValidationgetAttachmentsGet AttachmentspostCreate new AttachmentpostGet an AttachmentgetUpdate an AttachmentpostUpload an AttachmentpostDownload an AttachmentgetAuditLogAudit DetailpostAudit ListpostAuthorizationGet Access TokenpostGet Refresh TokenpostSwitch Master AccountgetGet User session and roles detailsgetAutomationList ScriptsgetCreate ScriptpostExecute ScriptpostDescribe Script JobgetList Script JobsgetScan ScriptpostView Template JobgetList Templates JobsgetList TemplatesgetCreate TemplatepostDelete ScriptdeleteDescribe ScriptgetUpdate ScriptputDelete TemplatedeleteDescribe TemplategetUpdate TemplateputExecute TemplatepostGet Template ParamspostValidate TemplatepostCreate BlueprintspostDelete BlueprintsdeleteView BlueprintsgetList BlueprintsgetUpdate BlueprintsputCreate Script SchedulespostUpdate Script SchedulesputCreate Template SchedulespostUpdate Template SchedulesputDelete Template and Script SchedulesdeleteView Template and Script SchedulesgetList Template and Script SchedulesgetTemplate List BatchpostTemplate ListpostGet Template Parameter SchemagetValidate parameters for a given templatepostAWS Security HubReturns a batch of FindingspostReturns a list AWS Security Hub Findings idspostReturns list of AWS securityhub finding product names with all possible filter values for the given tenantpostReturns list of AWS securityhub finding record state with all possible filter values for the given tenantpostReturns list of AWS securityhub finding Region with all possible filter values for the given cloud accountspostReturns list of AWS securityhub finding resource with all possible filter values for the given tenantpostReturns list of AWS securityhub finding severity with all possible filter values for the given tenantpostGet AWS Security Hub Region Validation ResultsgetAwsSsmBatch Document versionspostList Document versionsgetList document filtersgetBatch SSM DocumentspostBatch executionspostList executionspostList DocumentspostManual document syncpostList execution filtersgetBatch execution job groupspostList execution job groupspostAwsSsm AutomationExecute automation documentpostCancel Automation ExecutiondeleteBatch execution stepspostList execution stepsgetAwsSsm CommandExecute command documentpostCancel command executiondeleteBatch execution instancespostList execution instancesgetAzure DevOps Pipeline DashBoardList the available logs associated with build in AzureDevopspostList the available builds under pipelines in AzureDevopspostList the available workitems associated with build in AzureDevopspostList the available projects under account in AzureDevopspostList the available project under AzureDevopspostBudget V2 ManagementCreate BudgetpostView Count Budget Alert Exceeds SummarypostView Count Budget SummarypostView Budget DashboardpostView Create Budget Advanced FilterspostUpdate BudgetputList Budget HistorygetDelete BudgetdeleteList Budget DetailgetUpdate Budget Threshold AlertsputView Budget Threshold AlertspostAccount GovernanceConfig Validation DetailspostAssessment Validation DetailspostAssessment Re-ValidationpostAssessment ResultsgetComplianceGet compliance assessment summary by assessment job numbergetCompliance Security Dashboard SummarypostCompliance Control Health by Control CategoriespostCompliance Risks By Cloud AccountspostGet Compliance assessment posture SummarygetList Compliance Control Assessment HistorygetList compliance control mapping, get_assessment_job_detailspostList compliance control mapping, get_on_audit_entriesgetCompliance On Demand Control_executepostCompliance On Demand Standard_executepostList Compliance ControlsgetList Compliance Control MappingsgetList Compliance StandardsgetList Compliance VisibilitygetList Compliance posture DetailsForPoliciespostList Compliance FilterpostList Compliance Filter For HeatstackgetList Compliance Filter_PolicygetList compliance_posture summary_by_accountspostList Compliance posture SummaryByPoliciespostClean Up Unmapped Policy DatapostGet compliance standard assessmentsgetcompliance posture visibilitygetcompliance visibility trendgetCostList Cost Saving RecommendationputView Cost Saving RecommendationgetList Cost Saving RecommendationsgetList Cost Saving Recommendation by TenantputResolve Cost Savings RecommendationspostLicense Benefit Hub DiscountspostLicense Benefit Cost Savings SummarypostTenant DetailsgetOverall Cloud Account SummarypostCloud Account DetailspostView Cloud Account_ID and Cloud Account NamegetView Tenant Wise Currency's Or Cloud Account TypegetTenant Wise Cost SummarygetView Resource Wise Cost Details Under Cloud Account IDgetResource Wise Recommendation(Savings) DatapostGet Actual or Forecast Budget DriftpostGet cloud Forecaster for six monthspostGet Cost Spend By Cloud and Resource Categorypostcost optimization by optimization typepostGet cost optimization trendpostgeo coordinates for regionspostGet Cost Spend By Billing TypepostGet Cost Spend By CloudpostGet Cost Spend By Cloud AccountpostGet Cost Spend By Cloud and Resource CategorypostGet Cost Spend By Cloud and TenantpostGet Cost Spend By RegionpostGet Tag And Untag Cloudwise TrendpostGet Cost Trend By CloudpostGet Cost Spend Trend By Product CategorypostGet Tagged and Untagged Resources Cost By Product CategorypostGet Tagged and Untagged Spend Cloud WisepostGet Top Budget By TenantpostCreate Cost Markup RuleputDelete Cost Markup RuledeleteList Cost Markup RulesgetUpdate Cost Markup RuleputList Visibility Summary by Cloud Account UsageputList Visibility Summary by IdentifierputList Dashboard Summary by AccountputCost Posture FilterpostList Dashboard Summary by Account, Tenant, Service typepostList Dashboard by IdentifierputList Dashboard by EA or CSP View For VisibilityputList Dashboard Summary by CloudputList Dashboard Summary by TenantputGet Cost HierarchygetList RecommendationspostList Cost Reservations & UtilizationgetList Cost Reservations & Utilization by Cloud AccountgetList Service FilterspostSaving Summary for Recommended ReservationspostReturns a forecast monthly costs for service accountspostFinops Assessment TriggerpostFinops Assessment Trigger HistorygetFinops Assessment Trigger StatusgetReturns a resource wise monthly bill for given service account and sku listpostReturns the latest resource wise monthly bill for given service account and resource idpostReturns a batch of CostTagpostReturns a list of CostTag idspostCost AnomalyGet Account wise daily Billing Cost AnomalypostCustom Metric ConfigurationCreate Custom Metric ConfigurationpostBatch of Custom Metric ConfigurationpostDelete Custom Metric ConfigurationdeleteUpdate Custom Metric ConfigurationpostList Custom Metric ConfigurationpostManual Sync Custom Metric ConfigurationpostCustom TagsDelete CustomTags by Master AccountdeleteList CustomTags by Master AccountgetSet CustomTags by Master AccountpostDelete CustomTags by TenantdeleteList CustomTags by TenantgetSet CustomTags by TenantpostDashboard DefinitionsGet Active Dashboard DefinitiongetSet Active Dashboard DefinitionputGet all Dashboard DefinitionsgetGet Dashboard DefinitionspostCreate new Dashboard DefinitionpostDelete Dashboard DefinitiondeleteGet Dashboard DefinitiongetDelete Dashboard DefinitiondeleteGet Dashboard Definition ACLgetUpdate Dashboard Definition ACLputEvaluate Dashboard Definition ACL contextgetEvaluate Dashboard Definition ACLgetGet the history of a Dashboard DefinitiongetList all accessible portalsgetResolve a portal path to its Dashboard Definition versiongetDashboard Definition VersionsGet Dashboard VersionspostCreate new Dashboard Definition VersionpostGet Dashboard Definition VersiongetMake Dashboard Definition Version the Head versiongetMake Dashboard Definition Version the Release versiongetParse Dashboard Definition VersionpostFreshservice TicketsList Departments accessible by the usergetCreates a new FreshService TicketpostFreshservice Ticket FiltersgetGet FreshService Ticket detailsgetList FreshService TicketspostGuardrailsCreate Policy SchedulespostDelete Policy SchedulesdeleteView Policy SchedulesgetList Policy SchedulesgetUpdate Policy SchedulesputCreate PolicypostBatch PoliciespostList PoliciespostValidate parameters for a given policypostDelete PolicydeleteDescribe PolicygetUpdate PolicyputExecute PolicypostDescribe Policy Job DetailsgetList Policy RecommendationsgetDescribe Policy RecommendationsgetExecute Policy RecommendationpostList accounts for policy configurationgetDelete Policy parameter configuration AccountdeleteGet Policy parameter configuration AccountgetUpdate Policy parameter configuration AccountpostGet account policy configuration batchpostDelete Policy parameter configuration TenantdeleteGet Policy parameter configuration tenantgetUpdate Policy parameter configuration TenantpostIdentityList TenantgetCreate TenantpostDelete TenantdeleteGet TenantgetUpdate TenantputList Roles by TenantgetList Users by TenantgetChange PasswordputChange TimezoneputCreate UserpostDelete UserdeleteList UsersgetForget PasswordpostList UsersgetCheck notification statuspostUpdate active tenant for a userputView User ProfilegetResend User Token for ActivationpostReset PasswordpostUser BatchpostUpdate UserputDescribe UsergetList notification messagegetActivate UserpostVerify UserpostList Roles by Master AccountgetTenant List by Master AccountgetRole BatchpostAuth0 User VerificationpostReset Password for Auth0 UserpostCreate User DelegationpostBatch User DelegationpostDelete User DelegationdeleteUpdate User DelegationputList User DelegationpostRefresh User DelegationgetGet User Delegation ReportgetInvite UserpostMasterAccount/v1/master_accountspost/v1/master_accounts/batchpostMaster Account DeletedeleteMaster Account ViewgetMaster Account Updateput/v1/master_accounts/listpostOperationsList Operation Posture Details For Mobile SitepostList Operation Posture DetailsgetList Operation Visibility DetailsgetGet Operations Resource DetailsgetList Operations Activity Details by Resource & Resource TypegetApply Operations Alert ConfigurationpostList Operations Alert Configuration by Cloud AccountgetGet Service Details For Operations Alert ConfigurationgetView Applied Operations Alert ConfigurationpostClone Operations Alert Configuration TemplatespostCreate Operations Alert Configuration TemplatespostUpdate Operations Alert Configuration TemplateputUpdate Operations Alert Configuration Template NameputSet Default Options Operations Alert ConfigurationputList Operations Alert Configuration TemplatesgetList Operations Resource Metric Hierarchy ConfigurationpostView Operations Configuration DetailspostProductList Feature requirementsgetList Product BundlesgetList ProductsgetList Role TemplatesgetRecommendationResolve Definition RecommendationpostResolve Recommendation Action PreexecutepostList Recommendations by AccountpostList Recommendations by CategorygetList RecommendationsgetResolve RecommendationpostResolve PreExecute RecommendationpostList Recommendations by Cloud AccountgetReportsCostTag ReportpostCost Trend ReportpostBackup ReportpostPatch Compliance ReportpostRecoveryService ReportpostSecureScore Mapping ReportgetCreate pinned reportputList pinned reportgetDelete pinned reportputCreate view of the reportpostDelete view of the reportpostList of user report viewsgetUpdate view of the reportpostRequest AuditReturns a batch of RequestAuditEntriespostClears the caching layerpostReturns a list of endpoints active in the target executorpostReturns a list of BackgroundJobs idspostStreams the profiler's result for a request auditgetConfigures the parameters for auto triggering the collection of profiling datapostRequests to profile a endpoint or resource pathpostGet the list of endpoints currently profiledpostReturns hit counts for an endpoint or path in the target executorpostResourceGetting the resources cloud account details based on the tenantgetGet Inventory CountpostList Inventory FilterspostGet Resource ListingpostGet Inventory DetailspostList Resource Lock Config RulesgetDelete Resource Lock Config RuledeleteCreate Resource Lock Config RulepostList Resource Visibility CountgetList Resource Visibility DetailsgetList Resource Posture DetailsgetList Resource Lock Config Rule FiltersgetDisable Alert RulepostEnable Alert RulepostGet GCP sku details for the given resourcepostGet ServiceResourceInventory DetailsgetLookup ServiceResourceInventory Service AccountspostGet unit price of smallest sku for a specific regionpostCreate Bulk Resource Tag RemediationpostReturn bulk Resource Tag Remediation StatuspostCreate Resource Tag RemediationpostGet unit price for list of resourcespostBatch VM Agents DetailspostList VM Agents DetailspostSchedulesFetch a batch of schedulespostCreates a SchedulepostDelete ScheduledeleteRetrieve SchedulegetUpdates a SchedulepostSet Next Execution of a SchedulepostSkip next execution of a SchedulegetList Schedules of given categorypostSchedule RecommendationsSchedule Recommendations FilterspostSchedule Recommendations Resource Schedule ListpostSchedule Recommendations Schedule ListpostSchedule Recommendations OverviewpostPostpone Schedule RecommendationpostReactivate Schedule RecommendationpostReject Schedule RecommendationpostRemediate Schedule RecommendationpostSchedule Recommendations Resource DetailspostSchedule Recommendations SummarypostTrigger Cost Savings Calculation Schedule RecommendationpostSchedule Recommendations Utilization DefinitionspostSchedule Recommendations Utilization MetricspostSecurityGet Threat by Cloud AccountspostGet Threat by RegionpostGet Threat by Resource CategorypostGet Threats by TrendpostGet Config Violation by Cloud AccountpostGet Config Violation By RegionpostGet Config Violation by Resource CategorypostGet Config Violation trend by severitypostGet Vulnerability by Cloud AccountpostGet Vulnerability by RegionpostGet Vulnerability by TrendpostList Security Vulnerability DetailsgetList Security Visibility DetailsgetGet Security Posture Details By TenantgetGet Security Posture Details by Cloud Account & Cloud Service ProvidergetGet Access Violation by Cloud AccountpostGet Access Violation By RegionpostGet Access Violation trend by severitypostService Account ResourcesThreat Validation for GCP ServicesgetThreat Validation for OCI servicesgetVulnerability Validation for GCP ServicesgetVulnerability Validation for OCI servicesgetList Available AWS S3 BucketsgetList Available AWS CloudTrail By RegiongetList Available Azure Action GroupsgetList Available Azure Activity Log AlertsgetList Available Azure Log Analytics WorkspacesgetList Available Azure SubscriptionsgetService Account GovernanceBatch Service Account DetailspostCreate a new Service AccountpostDelete Service Account detailsdeleteGet Service Account detailsgetUpdate Service Account detailspostList Available OCI CompartmentsgetValidate Service Account CredentialsgetValidate update of Service Account detailspostValidate update of Service Account details and check if the Governance Configuration can be accepted by the Cloud/Tool providerpostList Available LocationsgetList Available Azure Resource GroupsgetGet Current Sync StatusgetTrigger refresh of Sync StatuspostGet Sync Status HistorygetList Service AccountspostSummarize Service AccountspostServiceNow IntegrationsCreate ServiceNow CMDB ConfigurationpostDelete ServiceNow CMDB ConfigurationpostList ServiceNow CMDB ConfigurationspostList ServiceNow CMDB CI Class AttributespostList ServiceNow CMDB CI ClassespostList Inventory Attributes for ResourcepostUpdate ServiceNow CMDB ConfigurationpostView ServiceNow CMDB ConfigurationpostView Cloud Schema HierarchypostReturns a batch of CMDB Sync LogspostReturns a list CMDB Sync Log IdspostCmdb Sync ProgressgetList ServiceNow User GroupspostList ServiceNow Incident Custom AttributesgetList ServiceNow Request AttributesgetView ServiceNow Service Catalog HierarchygetList ServiceNow Table RowspostTaggingGovernanceDefinitionsGet all Tag Baseline DefinitionsgetGet BaselinespostCreate new Tag BaselinepostDelete Tag Baseline DefinitiondeleteGet Tag Baseline DefinitiongetGet the history of a Tag Baseline DefinitiongetSet state of Tag Baseline DefinitionpostReturns a batch of AvailableTagpostReturns a list of AvailableTags idspostTaggingGovernanceDefinitionVersionsGet Dashboard VersionspostCreate new Tag Baseline Definition VersionpostGet Tag Baseline Definition VersiongetMake Tag Baseline Definition Version the Head versiongetMake Tag Baseline Definition Version the Release versiongetParse Tag Baseline Definition VersionpostTaggingGovernancePosturesReturns a batch of TagPostureSnapshotpostReturns a TagPostureSnapshotpostReturns a batch of TagPostureResourcespostReturns a TagPostureResource based on input filtersgetSummarize the tag posture matching the filtering criteria returning resource coverage countspostReturns a batch of TagPostureCloudAccountSummarypostReturns a list of TagPostureCloudAccountSummary identifiers based on input filterspostReturns a batch of TagPostureResourceSummarypostReturns a list of TagPostureResourceSummary identifiers based on input filterspostGet a TagPostureSummary for WorkloadgetReturns a batch of TagPostureWorkloadResourceSummarypostReturns a list of TagPostureSnapshot idspostUserPreferenceList all subkeys of user preferencespostUser Preference DeletedeleteGet details of the user preferencepostList all user preferencespostCreate a new user preferencepostUpdate updated_at time for user preferencepostUserGroupsUser Group List By Master AccountgetCreate UserGrouppostUser Group BatchpostDelete UserGroupdeleteGet UserGroupgetUpdate UserGrouppostUser Group ListpostWafAssessmentDefinitionsGet Dashboard VersionspostCreate new AssessmentpostDelete Assessment DefinitiondeleteGet Assessment DefinitiongetGet the history of an Assessment DefinitiongetSet state of Assessment DefinitionpostFilter Assessment DefinitionspostWafAssessmentDefinitionVersionsGet Assessment VersionspostCreate new Assessment Definition VersionpostGet Assessment Definition VersiongetMake Assessment Definition Version the Head versiongetMake Assessment Definition Version the Release versiongetSet state of Assessment Definition VersiongetParse Assessment Definition VersionpostWafAssessmentRunsGet a batch of Assessment Run History detailspostGet a list of RecordIdentity for resources that have violated the given policy jobpostGet the history IDs for the given filterspostGet a batch of Assessment Run History Question detailspostGet the Question IDs for the given filterspostGet a batch of assessment run detailspostStart an assessment run for the assessment definitionpostFetch the details for an assessment run by IDgetAnswer a question or best practicepostCreate a milestone - take snapshot of the current state of assessment run including state of questions, best practices, comments and attachments associated alongsidepostStart a scan for an assessment run using the given contextpostSet the state for an assessment runpostGet all assessment run IDs for the given filterspostSchedule the generation of a report for an assessment runpostFetch an assessment run report by IDgetWellArchitectedFrameworkFramework Best Practice DeletedeleteSync Framework from AWS or To AWSgetFramework Pillar DeletedeleteFramework Question DeletedeleteBatch Best PracticespostBest practices CreatepostBest practice UpdatepostBatch FrameworkspostFramework CreatepostList FrameworksgetFramework UpdatepostFramework DeletedeleteAdd pillars to a frameworkpostPillar updatepostBatch QuestionspostCreate Questions for a pillar of a frameworkpostQuestion UpdatepostWorkloadDefinitionsGet Dashboard VersionspostCreate new WorkloadpostDelete Workload DefinitiondeleteGet Workload DefinitiongetGet the history of a Workload DefinitiongetSet state of Workload DefinitionpostFilter Workload DefinitionspostSet state in Bulk for Workload DefinitionpostWorkloadDefinitionVersionsGet Workload VersionspostCreate new Workload Definition VersionpostGet Workload Definition VersiongetMake Workload Definition Version the Head versiongetMake Workload Definition Version the Release versiongetParse Workload Definition VersionpostWorkloadQueryReturns a list of Resource identifiers based on input querypostReturns a list of ServiceResourceInventorypostReturns list of WorkloadServiceResourceRegion with all possible filter values for the given cloud accountspostReturns list of WorkloadServiceResource with all possible filter valuesgetZoho IncidentList Zoho ServiceDesk SitesgetList Zoho ServiceDesk UsersgetPowered by Get Vulnerability by Regionpost https://api.corestack.io/security/executive_dashboard/vulnerabilities/by_regionSecOps Dashboard Vulnerabilities by Region